Camille Oster
Historical Romance, Gothics, Murder Mystery and Contemporary

The Summerfield Bride - Book Four
It was a surprise that Dory would ever need a wedding dress, but VE day wasn’t just the end of the war, it was also the start of a new chapter—a chapter that Captain Ridley proposed they start together. A proper wedding dress, at Lady Pettifer’s insistence, necessitated a visit for one of the best atelier’s in London. The day proves that not all brides are equal, and Cornelia Vellsted, the Summerfield Bride, would never wear her beautiful gown down the aisle.
A desperate plea for assistance sends young Miss Dory Sparks scrambling to reach Wallisford Hall days before the coronation of King George VI, where her Aunt Gladys works as the cook. Domestic service had never been an intended career for Dory, but a plea from family could never be ignored, even, as it turns out, when her predecessor had been murdered in the very house Dory now worked.
A stranger was blamed for the death, and Lord and Lady Wallisford and their grown children were not giving Detective Inspector Ridley from the Met an easy time to investigate alternative theories. No strangers had been seen in the district and Dory, with her position in the house, is increasingly drawn in the help.
Mischief in St. Tropez - book Two
In the bright sunshine and glorious landscapes of the Cote D’Azur, the enclave of British high society worry about the impending war. So much so that when the body of a Hungarian noble is found at Lady Tonbridge’s soiree, a haphazard investigation finds no culprit. Miss Dory Sparks, the companion to Lady Pettifer, finds herself drawn into investigating when no one else seems pay this murder its due attention.
The handsome Baron Domenik Drecsay had never been a saint and his interest in the heiresses along the coast was known by all. Miss Livinia Fellingworth had certainly been falling for his charms. Even so, Dory struggles to find a motive for his murder, and she is running out of time as the worsening situation in France threatens the decorum lives of the foreign societies along the sparkling coast.
The Gentleman on Pennifield Street - Book Three
As the German planes came, London burned. Like everyone else, Dory had a job to do, searching for the threat that came in the night sky. Night after night, she and Vera searched for the enemy, while the bombs fell on street after street. The dark and empty streets of London also concealed the worst of intentions in the rubble and chaos of a blighted city—a perfect place to hide a murder.
Death at the WI - Book Five
Dory’s new marital house in Beaconsfield is the nicest she’s ever lived in, and establishing herself in the village is helped immensely by joining the local chapter of the Women’s Institute. There’s still much to do to help England recover from the war, and the WI plans grassroots projects to improve the lives of women and children. However, the death of one of the members, Mrs. Edith Wallis, in her own yard, throws the whole group into disarray. All hope ill luck is the cause, but Dory’s eye for detail has her questioning the assumption. Before long, her fears are confirmed. The death isn’t simple misadventure—instead something much more sinister lies behind it.